martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

First day of "Interculturality Reloaded"

To begin the day, participants have made several name games and ice-breakers to get to know each other and promote a team spirit. After that, the rules of the project facilities were showed to participants and a task was given to them: to create their own rules. These rules were discussed among all, agreed and written in big papers for the rest of week. It was also time to implement the initial evaluation of the project that allowed participants to share their fears, strengths and expectations by using color papers.

After lunch, participants shared the work made before the exchange on each partner country by them (in national groups) and practiced what an encounter is. They have also learnt about the psycho-magic of Jodorowski focused on changing people´s point of view concerning everyday life and open their minds. The main idea was to show through all these actions the importance of using theatre techniques as a way to promote the social change.

Furthermore, they have decided during the previous process to use the song of “Imagine” (John Lennon) to answer pedestrians when doing the final performance of the project. They have even practiced shortly the song and tried to learn it by heart. 

In the afternoon, participants discovered different movements for interaction obtained from their work done on their countries such as rolling, sliding and using the floor and the sky as elements of the space. The day was closed with a team reflection and leaders meeting about the potential programme of the final performance taking into account the day results.

You can see all the photos of the day on the Facebook page of the project.